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The History of Dime Box Church of Christ
Bro. Bill McGregor was an associate of George Milton, Billy Davis and Bro. Kurtendo at Old Dime Box, Texas. In the early 1880s he built a church house on Dime Box Prairie at Dime Box and preached there for years and died at Dime Box, Texas. He was the great-grandfather of A. C. Chriesman. History goes on to say that many were baptized in some pond located around Old Dime Box. Although the names may not be in order listed of some of the preachers who came through Dime Box as far as knowledgeable: Bill McGregor (who built the first structure), Wiley W. Johnson, Arlington Davis, Jr., Howard McCain, Ollie C. Chriesman, A. C. Chriesman, Roosevelt Sams, Joe Franklin, Jr., Lacy Washington and our current minister who began his service on 14 February 1999, Bro. Asberry Mitchell, Jr. of Giddings, TX.  

Our Minister

Bro. Asberry Mitchell, Jr., is married to Sis. Beverly J. Mitchell. Bro. Mitchell serves as the Ministering Evangelist here at the South Oak congregation since 1999. The love of God is in the heart of his messages and is the central theme of his life as he stands on the truth of the Gospel of Christ.  
“Choose you this day whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24: 15) 
What to Expect at a Typical Sunday Service at South Oak:
Our worship services include congregational A Capella singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5: 19). Several prayers are offered to God as well (Acts 2:42). Communion is observed by partaking of unleavened bread and fruit of the vine (I Corinthians 11: 23 – 29). Members make a financial offering for the poor and the spread of the gospel (I Corinthians 16: 1-2). Guests are not expected to give. Then a sermon from the Bible will be preached. All are encouraged to bring their Bibles and follow along (2 Timothy 2: 15). At the sermon’s end, the Lord’s invitation is offered (Matthew 11: 28 – 30) for any who want to become Christians or rededicate their lives to God. The service lasts about an hour. Guests may sit silently in the service, or they may participate. Expect to be greeted at the beginning and end of the service. If it is your first time here we will provide you with a welcome packet.
What are the steps to the Plan of Salvation?
Hear God’s Word – (Romans 10: 17)
Believe that Jesus is the Son of God – (John 8: 24)
Repent of past sins – (Luke 13: 3 – 5)
Confess faith in Christ – (Rom 10: 9 – 10)
Baptism for the remission of your sins – (Acts 2: 38)
Live Faithful unto death – (Revelations 2: 10)

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