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Our goal is to be as the church was in the first century.  We provide food for the needy and help when the need arises.. Each month we take up non-perishable items to distribute. We also provide food baskets over the holiday season for the elderly and needed.

We extend a full invitation to our families and friends to attend Worship serviced and Bible classes with us. Personal Bible studies are available to all. Please feel free to call Bro. Mitchell or any of the brethren if you are interested in having a Bible study.

Men & Women Training Classes

To design and develop classes specific to the men and women of the congregation. Our goal is to continue mentoring by way of the older men teaching the younger men and the older women teaching the younger women. It is of great importance that we share our experiences of what to do and not to do as a child of God.

Lads to Leaders

Purpose: To get connected with our youth of all ages. Our youth need to know that we care. This is the time for us to make a lasting impression upon them. If we are not investing in our youth who will.

Vision Statement: To develop within the congregation programs to facilitate inter-congregational and inter-generational mentoring and faith development. May include fellowship with other congregations of the Church of Christ, locally and state-wide. To encourage our youth to attend worship and bible classes. To encourage our youth to grow spiritually. To prepare our youth to be leaders and to know how to follow.  

Friends and Family Day

To foster a personal relationship with our friends and family by way of fellowshipping spiritually and physically. Every 5th Sunday has been set aside to accomplish this goal.
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